18 Feb Latest Vintage Drift published

Vintage Drift for February 2014 – cover image courtesy of Martin Rudow and SOVREN; photo by Marshall Autry
Posted: February 18, 2014
The latest issue of Vintage Drift, SOVREN’s excellent quarterly magazine has just been released. Included in the articles – with many great photos – is a review of the final 2013 standings in each of their Race Groups (some of our VRCBC racers are in there) and a preview of their 2014 Race Season. Our own BCHMR is again on the SOVREN points-eligible schedule this year and we look forward to seeing many of our friends from south of the border in August.
The Editor / Publisher of Vintage Drift is Martin Rudow, a long time friend of the VRCBC. To get more information on how to advertise in Vintage Drift or to get a personal subscription, just contact Martin directly by email: vintagedrift@eschelon.com
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